Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It is nearing... the... appointed tiiiiime!

The Tour of E's is here in two days. "What means this?" you axe yourself? Well.... A coalition of the willing will endeavor to sarf the number of egg whites equivalent to the calendar date for a full month, commencing with one E-white on April 1st and culminating in a gloriously eggstravagant "eggshibition day" of 31 eggs on May 1st. Yes, all in one sitting. Yes, all hard-boiled (but just the whites-- don't want to die).

It's the 10-year anniversary, baby! Come along for the ride! Join us, revel as a participant or as a fan, and watch our updates via Facebook, tourofes.blogspot.com, or Twitter @tourofes. Get your COSTCO cards ready-- it's gonna be a rip-roarin', rootin' tootin' time!

For the uninitiated who want to sarf along at home, direct any questions on the conduct of the Tour to our moderators at hardqore.e.sarfer@gmail.com, this Facebook page, or our founding member and only fella to complete the Tour, Jeremy Mucha.

Godfather of the Tour of E's and only man known to achieve the feat, Jeremy Mucha, AKA Captain Hardqore, posing with one of his favorite recently-devoured platters of ribs. Want to rival him? Try 31 eggs in 16 minutes on Eggshibition Day 2000. Yeah, thought so.

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