Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What is E Time?

What is E Time?

Yes, this question has been pondered through the ages. In fact, the answer has always been “just within reach,” yet enigmatic it remains. Empires have crumbled, and new ones have been formed, all because of the elusive E. Always controversial, yet ever relevant to the issue at hand, E Time has become a cherished institution that will forever leave its mark on the history of mankind. Quite simply, E Time is “the stuff that dreams are made of.”

In today’s world, many people are lost in a sea of softqoreness. They toil day in and day out, always working, but never E-chieving. A sad existence these people lead, as they never have the chance to reach their full potential. Introduce these same moribund souls to E Time, and a transformation you will witness. Yes, with E Time, these folk now have newly found energy to get them through the day. When once they dared not attempt the extraordinary, now they can be seen pumping it up in a most appointed fashion. And not only are these people running on E-power, but they also now have reason to live another day. Yes, the mere thought of E Time in the morning brings a rush of emotion to any phully phledged phoo. The crack of the shell, the removal of the dreaded yellow entity, and the euphoric taste of a steaming white – this is paradise. To wake up and experience the E, yes, that is most appointed, but that is only half of what E Time is all about.

You see, E Time is best experienced in the company of good friends, rather than in solitary confinement. While the pursuit of the E, itself, is quite worthwhile, it is best pursued with one’s hardqore pals. It is only when groups of up pumpers gather to sarf the E, that things begin to be achieved “in record time.” As has been parlayed since the dawn of civilization, the sum of E’s is most appointedly greater than each individual E-chiever. In fact, the solidarity of the E has been proven to be so stalwart, that once a group of individuals has truly experienced E Time, they no longer can be separated. The mightiness of each mortal is incorporated into the collective consciousness, and the feebleness of everyone involved is simply forgotten. Yes, the power of E Time is quite a phorce to be reckoned with, to be sure.

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